Thursday’s spinning

..both on the spinning bike and on the ice.

What is it with people who do not sweat? There was a girl next to me at the spinning class and I swear she didn’t sweat at all. I’m usually able to squeeze sweat from my shirt after the class, so not sweating is not an option for me.

Also, I learned today that my favorite spinning instructor is not going to have classes at my nearest gym any more :/ Her classes will be at another location of the fitness center chain. The thing is, it’s funny enough to walk 1k from work to go and sit on a bike that is not going anywhere for an hour. I’m afraid it would be too funny to take a bus, ride it 10k, sit on a bike for an hour, take another bus and ride 10k back home. This sucks, I really really like her classes :/

7 responses to “Thursday’s spinning

  1. The effect of the trainer in spinning classes is huge. The classes are not Less Mills classes so the trainer makes the program him/herself and pics musics too. So the class can be perfect for one or nightmare for some other. You never know what you will have if you don’t know the trainer. For example in my gym was friday spinning without permanent trainer. You didn’t know who there is yelling at you. It was suprise every time. And of course the friday was the day that fitted perfectly for my training week. One of the trainers is big fan of Antti Tuisku. I don’t know how could I get adrenaline to my veins when spinning to up hill and Antti is whispering in my ear. Okay I had adrenaline but somehow it didn’t effect like I would liked to. So I meant it really sucks when you find perfect trainer for you and soon she/he is gone.

    And YES…. I have very boring day at work! 😀

  2. Fortunately today is bodypump day and todays trainer is the kind of who demands everyone to do workouts with good technicks and have attitude enough to kick even my ass to better results. 🙂 ( I can be lazy too )

  3. I wrote about the trainers so fanatic that I forgot the SWEAT! 😀 I have also wondered why people come to train and pay lots of it and doesn’t even sweat. Is it because then you can tell everyone that you go spinning classes five times a week ( I also wonder how some people can partisipate in so many classes per week – maybe they are those non sweaters ) or do they come to gym because they want to show how good they look in their new sweatpants!? 😀

  4. Maybe they sweat with their tongue like dogs! 😀

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