Category Archives: GRIT

Trying out: Les Mills GRIT Strength

Instead of gym, I went to see what is this GRIT about. According to Les Mills,

Using the Les Mills SMARTBAR™, weight plates and the bench, LES MILLS GRIT™STRENGTH is an intense 30-minute team training session that will blast all major muscle groups and take your training to the next level. 

So basically, it’s a HIIT workout with weights. The instructor said that we should use 1/3 of our bodyweight in the songs that use Smartbar, but I took things a little (maybe too much so) easier and used only 15kg this time around. And yes, it was seriously too little. But then again, the song where we did clean and presses, jumps and rows, one had to hold on to the bar for the whole song. And believe me, it was a long song. My grip couldn’t have handled 1/3 of my bodyweight in that song….

Otherwise, it was refreshing and hard. Next time I know to use more weights, and try to handle all those burpees too. Here’s a review of this GRIT, by Bek.

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(I had little extra time before the class started…) How’s your Tuesday gone?